House Structure Links
The links on this page lead to the best Web sites in this subject area. All are rated and reviewed. If you don't see what you're looking for in the list below, don't despair. We may have recently discovered your dream site and added it to the updated links collection we maintain on the Web. To see the updated lists, and other features for the home improver, go to Home Central at by clicking the button on the right.

Ask The Builder
If you can't find answers in the archives of columnist and contractor Tim Carter, there's a good chance he'll personally reply to your question. But don't wait--if this burgeoning Web site lives up to its promise, homeowners will be lining up for miles. (Preview) Home Page
If you're looking for products or services, this site is the grizzled veteran of industry information providers. There's also an active bulletin board where the discussion level is right for the intermediate to advanced home improver.

Don Vandervort's HomeTips
If you're more interested in understanding how your furnace works than you are in sticking your hands into the thing and fixing it, check out this site. If we all understood our homes--really understood them--this would be a better world.

The Fireplace Man
Curl up in front of this Web site if you're thinking of remodeling your wood stove or fireplace.

The Home Inspection/Construction Information Website
Want to know how to recognize hazards and hidden defects around your home--or a home you're thinking of purchasing? Webmaster and home inspector Dan Friedman will give you the inside track on everything from aluminum wiring to water quality.

Why HomeSafe? The only safety-related item here is the "Carbon Monoxide Alert" section. Other than that, this site is about fireplaces and chimneys. There's a state-by-state listing of chimney service professionals, and "The Fireside" offers guidance on all matters of the hearth.

Long-time fans of Dean Johnson's popular PBS television series won't be surprised that this is a top-quality site. Most impressive are the step-by-step instructions for major remodeling projects found in the "how-to" section, but you'll also find a fine bulletin board and an index of past shows.
If this still-growing site becomes as informative as it is pleasing to the eye, it will be a winner. For now, it's most useful as a source of answers from Dr. Kitchen. (Quite a coincidenceùhis name is Kitchen, and he's a kitchen expert.)

National Wood Flooring Association
If you have a question about purchasing or maintaining a wood floor, the NWFA has what you're after. The quality of the writing is occasionally cause for a bit of head scratching, however. And they don't cover wood floor installation.

Sound Home Resource Web
Love this site! There's a detailed checklist for building and remodeling, along with information on decks, roofing, buying undeveloped land, and home inspection. Concise but thorough, it's also easy to use--and easy on the eyes. (Preview)

This Old House
The dynamic duo that made home improvement hip on the airwaves takes the show to cyberspace. TOH groupies will love this slick page, as will those searching for home repair ideas and answers.